Local delivery choice & delivery avaibility
Last updated
Last updated
You need to DingDoong in your theme so all your settings for local delivery will work in storefront
If you haven't enabled our app yet, please follow the steps in How to embed app in Dashboard
Once you enable the local delivery zone, you'll need to configure the type of delivery scheduling you'd like to offer your customers. You can choose from three options:
Single Date
Date with Exact Time
Date with Time Range
After selecting the type of delivery scheduling you want to set up, go to Delivery Availability to define your delivery working days and the times you offer to customers.
If you provide local delivery to customers on a specific date without specifying a time, in Delivery Availability, simply select the days you offer local delivery and define your working days.
DingDoong allows you to choose from the following options:
Offer local delivery every day of the week.
Offer local delivery on specific days of the week.
Offer local delivery on specific dates of the year.
With these two options, our app allows you to set delivery times in two different ways: Fixed Time and Time Range.
To add a time, please select your desired time (in 12-hour format) and click Add Time.
To add a time range, select your desired time range and click Add Time.
If youβre setting up different schedules for each day of the week, you can save time by setting up the first day with your desired times, then selecting Copy Setup From to apply it to other days.
Typically, non-working days are included in prep time calculations. If you don't want to include them, change this in General Settings